
Burger lover who wants to try delicious burger in Kota Kinabalu please do not miss out Damn Good Burger! They have 2 types of burger patties: beef or lamb. They use the beef or lamb from New Zealand and when you take a bite of the burger with well-cooked burger patties inside, you can feel the tenderness and juiciness of the meat.


I, myself, in love with their combo set where a burger comes with a lot of French fries and also a glass of drink. Price is reasonable and food is delicious! For big eaters, have you ever seen a burger with 10 patties inside? Please don't hesitate to challenge and try out their mouth-watering Apocalypto Burger!


爱吃汉堡的朋友们看过来,想在亚庇吃好吃的汉堡吗?来Damn Good Burger 就对了!他们家有2种汉堡肉可作选择,牛肉或羊肉。他们家采用纽西兰的牛肉及羊肉,汉堡肉烤的刚刚好,鲜嫩又多汁。


小编最爱点他们的套餐,一个汉堡,一堆薯条跟一杯饮料,价钱不贵又好吃,超级满足的!大胃王们,你们有看过10层肉的汉堡吗?想要挑战的请点他们家的Apocalypto Burger,满满的10层肉汉堡就摆在你面前!

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  • December 17, 2024 2:42 pm local time

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